Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Avery, Aves, Averson, Avery Jordan, Kiddo, Love...just a few of the names I have for my girl!  I've been thinking how for the past 10 months I religiously write about Ella every when she hits a new month but I haven't really given updates about Avery, so it's my new blog mission to keep you in the loop on what's going on with our "Big Girl!".

She has become so much more independent!  It's what you always want for your kids, and truthfully most of it I'm excited she can do on her own. Brush her teeth, get her own napkins, fork, spoons, fill her water cup, get dressed, put on her own shoes, bring her plate to the counter, entertain herself are just a few.

She loves to bring ALL her toys, and I'm talking ALL her toys out from her playroom and play with them in the living room.  She's really into her kitchen right now and when it's out especially during the time I am making dinner, she will play with it the whole time and the kitchen table will be covered with place settings, food and drinks.  So, we will have not just our meal but "her meal" too. 

She is constantly ready to go somewhere and talks about "where are we going" or "who's coming over" from the moment we wake up to the moment she goes to bed.  And speaking of bed...she now has total control of her noisemaker and sleeps with a lovey just like Ella :)  She listens to the craziest sounds and soooo loud!  Tim and I are a little concerned about her hearing :)

She says some of the funniest things and has the biggest belly laugh that it's hard to not just laugh along with her when she laughs.  A few of her funny comments:

*In the car while listening to the radio...I don't want to listen to the "numbers", I want to listen to the iPod

*Asking Nana a question:  Where did you get that Kitty?? instead of saying Nana

*We only have a girl, but she looks like a boy!

*If something is expensive, she asks if it's expensible

*She's loving edamame right now and for some reason she calls them Hot Mama...Mommy, can I have some more Hot Mama they are so delicious!

Her favorite shows she likes to watch right now are America's Got Talent, Mickey Mouse, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Strawberry Shortcake movies

Still a picky eater but becoming much better.  She's tried and liked, blackberries, raspberries, edamame, spaghetti, lemonade, raspberry lemonade, hummus, kiwis, turkey, veggie burgers, corn, peas, no carrots!, green beans.  And, wants to go to McDonald's everyday.  Not because of the food, but because she is on a mission to get every Strawberry Shortcake doll they have.  She's just one away.  Whatever happened to Chick-fil-A???  I miss it which I can't believe I'm saying!!!  I just can't eat at Mickey D's!

Lately, we've been going by ourselves to the grocery store on Sunday's just the 2 of us or running errands together and though she constantly asks "can i have this or that"  I have a blast just being with her by herself.

She's having a blast at her "camp school" and has made some new friends there.

She is now swimming on her own without any floaties and is able to pick up her head and take a breath and then put it back down.  This is HUGE!!!  And, she's jumping off the diving board on her own without floaties!!  Awesome!  I'm so proud of her.  She is such a little fish.

She LOVES music and has told Tim and I that she wants to play the piano and look at the book while playing.  The other day Tim and I were doing stuff in the kitchen and we looked up at her and she was sitting on the ottoman with the Guitar Hero guitar singing her own song and "playing the guitar".  It was so cute!!  And, she loves to dance for us and with us whenever she can.  She knows how to work the iTouch better than us and she can't even read yet.  She does the iTouch by album cover and song number.  And, she knows how to fully work the receiver and CD player in the living room.

And, though I love her so much, we have our moments several times a day and I can't imgaine what it will be like soon in our future.  I keep telling Tim that maybe she likes me better right now, but just wait...the tides will turn once she becomes a teenager.  I'm crossing my fingers that it's not too bad ;)

Love you Ms. Aves!!

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