Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year!  I think it's because of the super-yummy food that we have each year - so comforting, having the entire family over to our house and having it filled with children's laughter and cozy adult conversations,  and just the laid-back, easygoing atmosphere of the whole day.    We even spent a lot of time in our "wine room" this year and it was so great to finally be able to use it when guests are over.  We ate til our tummies were stuffed and then ate some more, drank some wonderful wine, took some yummy shots, and then ate some more :)  Hope yours was as wonderful as ours!

Trying to get a group shot of the all the kiddos.  Ella was having none of it and for the most part everyone else was at least looking at the camera :)

The living room was full with football watchers

The Penrod Men

plus a Finkelstein & a Jurney

The Fantastic Women in our family

These sweet kids all played downstairs coloring and on their ipods while Ella slept.  They are such amazing children!

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