Monday, January 19, 2009

Talking, Talking, Talking

All of a sudden our little girl is a chatterbox. Every morning when she wakes up, she starts talking and rarely stops. She has yet to make full sentences, but there are so many new words every day. I was speaking to a friend of mine who has a daughter 6 months ahead of Avery and she was telling me how I'll understand what she's saying, but others won't. So true!

What she's saying:
"I Luv Yew" - I Love You - My Favorite, I've been waiting a long time for this one. And, not only does she say it, most of the time she kind of shouts it...even better!

"Nigh, Nigh" - Night, Night - Every night I say this to her and she now says it back, followed by "I Love You" to love it!

"Moothie" - also known as Smoothie. This is by far her favorite thing to eat right now. She will get her smoothie in her hands and that straw in her mouth and not stop until there is anything left. Sometimes I watch her just to make sure she is breathing :)

Waving "Hello" and "Bye-Bye" - I swear this girl never meets a stranger!

Morning Cartoons - Yes, Avery watches TV in the morning (gasp)! It is so funny to watch her because she will literally laugh at the joke in the show and get it. She especially laughs alot at Goofy on Mickey Mouse - at lease she's laughing at the right character.

Baf (Bath), Shower (Shower), Poo (self-explanatory), Bea (Bear), Aw Done (All Done), Peease (Please), Wa Wa (Water), Ban (Band), Up, Cheese, Ogur (Yogurt), Poon (Spoon), Bubbles, Awside (Outside), Shues (Shoes), MeMe (Makeup), Teeth (Toothbrush), Damit (yep, you guessed right...Tim and I are working on our language!)

She's also very opinionated in the car as to what music is playing. I love my daughter, but sometimes I just have to turn HER CD off, and listen to some adult music. Now, Avery doesn't like this very much unless I am full on dancing and singing the song (do you have the visual?). Only then and not always mind you, will she accept the fact that we are not listening to "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" for the 1,000th time. Demo of what happens:
Me: 106.1
Avery: No
Me: 107.5
Avery: No
Me: 102.9
Avery: No
Me: 100.3
Avery: No
Me. 99.5 - yes, even country (just something besides a kids song ;)
Avery: No
Do you see a pattern developing??
Most of the time it is back to HER CD. But sometimes I win.

We have entered a new world and I am loving it because now I am truly starting to understand what she "wants" and "needs". I wonder what her first full sentence will be...

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