Monday, February 13, 2012

Avery's Perfect Afternoon

This past Saturday was the first in forever where it was just too cold to go outside.  I can't complain about our winter because it's been great, but it sure is a bummer when it's beautiful and too cold to enjoy being outside.  That being said, Tim let me sleep in - love you babe! and while getting the girls up and talking to Avery about what to do with our day, they decided we should go to the mall.  The mall with the ponies!  Avery's favorite mall!  So, once I got up and we all got ready we headed up to the mall for some quick browsing of course and then all play for the girls!

Tim grabbed both of them before I had even got the stroller out of the car.  Mental note...I should take him with me more often :)

These 2 have become best always makes me smile seeing them together

I'd say she's pretty excited to ride the merry-go-round

Ella and I watching from the sidelines. My adventuresome child only gets so adventureous (sp?)  I guess.   She was just fine watching them ride the ponies and giving high five's to Tim as they rode around. When I would ask her if she wanted to go with them and get on a pony, her answer was definitively NO!  every time :)

Tim even jumped on for the last go round.

After the merry-go-round we had to go to the Disney store to look around.  That place is pretty cool actually.  I have to remember it for gifts for friends.  Tim and I enjoyed looking at everything too :)  And then, we had to have Chick-fil-A for lunch. Delicious!  How do they make their chicken taste so good...I probably don't want to know.  Avery then traded in her toy for this giant ice cream cone.   
Pretty nice day if you ask me and especially if you ask her.  It's fun to be a kid with your kid sometimes :)

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