Monday, August 24, 2009


Avery & Sissy got to hang out just the 2 of them at Nana's the other week. They loved every minute of did Nana!!

They talked on the phone together, to Papa, to each other, to who knows who else...I can see that we are in for a big phone bill with these 2 - we better start saving now :)

Here they are getting ready for their 1st sleepover together. It hasn't happened yet, but don't they just look so cute together in their tent?? It's a perfect fit!

Each of them has a stroller and baby doll over at Nana's and they were racing back and forth along the hallway with each other.

And, here they are enjoying lunch together. Macaroni and cheese and I'm sure ice cream for dessert...what could be better!

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